Imegdal community nursery
with the NGO "Global diversity foundation"
Objective of the project
How to reintegrate the protection of wild plants, participate in their reintroduction, transmit the traditions of knowledge on the local pharmacopoeia?
Creation of a nursery: training to the cultivation, cuttings and reproduction of plants aromatic and medicinal.
Awareness of the transformation of plants and their "ancient pharmacopoeia" use.
Program to save and plant wild plants: the young girls take at home 2 endemic plants each month, they plant them in the village, they raise awareness family and communicate on their use and means of multiplication.
"This activity is part of our High Atlas Cultural Landscape program which aims to maintain the unique flora and ecosystems of the High Atlas while ensuring sustainable livelihoods and well-being for the Amazigh communities who manage them ".
@ / Imegdal

Reinvesting the wild landscape by protecting it and participating in this safeguard
Establishment of a community nursery within the "Mont Toupkal" natural park for the production of endemic plants and local fruit trees for the reforestation of 28 Douar (village) of the natural park:
Design of the area, implementation, advice and strategy
for the Global Diversity Foundation.
Terrace installation.
Preparation of stock plants for cuttings and seeds.
Reproduction of endemic and local species of the Toubkal natural park.
Installation of production greenhouses.
Installation of windbreaks.
Installation of a composting area.
The project in pictures
Do you want to set up a similar project?
Training is available:
Reading the landscape.
Anti-erosion system.
Food production.