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Yoga permaculture formation pour les enseignants aux E3D EDD, transition écologique, écocitoyenneté , Education permaculture dans les écoles, autonomie alimentaire fabien tournan, regeneration des sols, regeneration végétale, autonomie alimentaire


with the association "Gaïalma"

Seed of possible ...

Take the time to breathe, listen to your body and relax, what better way to open all your senses and explore a garden of food production discovered.

Yoga permaculture  formation pour les enseignants aux E3D EDD, transition écologique, écocitoyenneté , Education permaculture dans les écoles, autonomie alimentaire, , fabien tournan, regeneration des sols, regeneration vegetale, autonomie alimentaire, jardin partagés, ecole permaculture,  regeneration vegetale

Discovery workshop for children


  • Reception of children.

  • Yoga class.

  • Snack break.

  • Discovery of the garden.

  • Seeds workshop (sorting, selection, packaging).

  • Plantation in a pot to take home.

  • Gifts of several local seeds to sow with parents at home!

The project in pictures

Reconnection to body and earth

Start the day by learning to breathe, stretch, listen, have fun, what a great introduction to discovering a garden and doing activities with your hands in the earth!

Do you want to set up an educational project?

Training is available:

yoga and permaculture, seed production, ecology education , permaculture garden

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