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Discover the implementation of projects from A to Z in the field

ferme bio intensive, modèle martin fortier, regeneration vegetale engrais vert, plante permaculture, autonomie alimentaire, regeneration des sols, permaculture design

Hydrologie, Agriculture bio-intensive et pâturage tournant

Ferme en agroforesterie, maraîchage et parcours tournant pour gallinacées et caprins.

Systeme anti érosion regeneration vegetale, plante permaculture, autonomie alimentaire, regeneration des sols, permaculture design

Anti-erosion system in arid zones

Sculpt the mountain, reforest the valleys, stop the floods, create vocations ...

regeneration vegetale engrais vert, plante permaculture, autonomie alimentaire, regeneration des sols, permaculture design

Anti-erosion system, green manure cycle and arboriculture

Transformation of an arid zone into an arboreal production zone.

Lombriculture regeneration vegetale, regeneration vegetale engrais vert, plante permaculture, autonomie alimentaire, regeneration des sols, permaculture design

Vermiculture, "Palm Orchids" nursery

Creation of the first earthworm farm for recycling organic materials into first choice compost, in Morocco.

engrais vert, lupin, regeneration vegetale engrais vert, plante permaculture, autonomie alimentaire, regeneration des sols, permaculture design

Regenerate soils through green manure cycles

Green manures are different plants intended to improve the structure of a soil, protect it against bad weather and erosion, and to promote the development of life.

Compost et fertilité regeneration vegetaleregeneration vegetale engrais vert, plante permaculture, autonomie alimentaire, regeneration des sols, permaculture design

Compost and fertility

Discover the different techniques practiced during my journey to create fertility.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

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