An educational kit, q hat is that?
A trunk containing documentation (books, photos, videos, texts, tools ...).
The material it contains can be used directly with children.
It is a way for facilitators to train, reflect on a subject, discover new practices and set up workshops.
An educational box can be used independently and accompanied by training or direct interventions, depending on requests and needs.
Why an educational trunk?
Allow a reflection and support of the animators concerning ecology,
Support training and the project in a favorable environment,
Through this practice, different skills develop: handling of tools (psychomotricity), calculation, geometry, writing work, respect and living together ...
Discover the educational trunk (In progress)
Educational projects
activity reports
technical sheets and various tables

Moltifao College
Activity report of the EDD (Ecology Sustainable Development) program
Thematic :
Validation of acquired subjects taught by the production of a feasibility study; Energy balance of the school. Food production. Waste recycling and solutions to be implemented to meet the ecological challenges of the 21st century.